Friday, July 17, 2015

dreaming up new tales.

We are planning new content soon. Please hold on/ It will be crazy fun.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Origns adventure

Anticipating the new Origens decks for the last standard set ever - We created this adventure so that you can live your own Planeswalker life. This should be a fun try.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Your Grade

This adventure was built to address the changes in the upcoming MTG game, starting with Origins. I thought it would be great to have the players build their own decks and define the score card in their own way with the group they might be gaming with. This approach allows us to gather lots of ideas and see them play out as if the player, not the company creatives, get to define a Planeswalker the way they would like to see one emerge. Enjoy and I'd love to here about the decks you all come up with.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A walk through Tarkir

I wanted to do more prose in the coming adventures to represent the RPG flare that inspired this new style of game play. I realized recently that so much more can be explored in each world beyond the cards that see limited play. There are hidden stories to be discovered in each color cube as well. Moving forward I think you will see more flavor text in the prose and the RPG point style refined more then ever. Tarkir really opened up many paths to creative thinking. Personally I'm a mono colored tribal kind of guy. However I really enjoy what Tarkir tried to deliver. All things considered it was a pretty good set. I believe that taking the perspective of a character in my tales might better reveal the greater adventure that all players can explore with their own deck tech. Welcome to Tarkir.
~ Enjoy!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dominate the sky

Many folks have noticed that I try to target certain areas in a block set to feature. These are inspired from flavor text. Though I'm careful not to be a plagiarizer to much content, The inspiration is pretty clear in each tale adventure. I might start to incorporate more flavor text into the actual tales soon. I just don't want legal types hounding me for a fun project. EDH did make a big splash without to much trouble though. Heck the Hasbro folks even incorporated it as a real format through Wizards of the coast and the MTG brand.

Monday, March 30, 2015


None of this material is intended to replace the Canon Material created by the MTG team at Wizards of the coast. ~ Richard ~ Enjoy!

New Adventure finished and added.

~ Enjoy Richard

2nd two week adventure

Have fun.

First 2 Week Adventure

MTG Deck Duel Tales

This is intended to offer alternate game play with under utilized cards in the format of an on going campaign. We look at Deck Tech over a 2 week span and determine the best decks with the story depicted from each winning deck by point accumulation.